The second sound inside love

The second sound inside love .  I am living on a crystal. . I did not know it was there, until I saw it in the night.. and.. I saw it only for a  moment.  When I was in love… inside love.. most deeply and more deeply inside,  I fell downward and fell and spiraled down and down into HER vortex., falling on the buzzing sound, the music of bee goddess woman, the sighing in orgasm of the  feathered bee priestess on her transformed wings, and then, I saw the crystal for only a moment.  It was wide, white cool, gorgeous, and then….. it cracked. !!! This crystal is soo beautiful, I could see it far below me, far far below. It looks like a floor of glass or of ice or of translucent stone. There is a diamond like form on it rising above it like a quartz crystal coming out of ice. The crystal rising has a shape and colors that change with my breathing.  This crystal is precious and solid.  When I saw it for a moment, , the beautiful crystal I was on, below me ,cracked. This time,  with another sound .. this sound was like lightning hitting glass , and then… it ALL ALL opened and I saw HER face surrounded by light. Umm I knew immediately that the crystal, as beautiful as it was, had kept me closed. When it cracked, it opened and light LIGHT and SHE could come in. and I was now open and what needed to come in,  could now fully come in. I understood that I needed to let love crack this crystal and for me to be open to let it all in, to be one with HER. Only by being open fully could love enter and as beautiful as this crystal was, it had to crack.  Zapp!! It only takes, one man, loving HER.. for…

The Open woman was my first figure piece.  I made it as a self portrait; a woman as passage or conduit in which inner and outer space are equally important.  This is a piece about emotional and psychological openness, but I use the body to evoke the vulnerability of such an act.  I made her totally unguarded, because she needs no defense.  My thought was that the entire universe could pass through her and leave her unharmed; nourish her, excite and fill her with awe. She is reclined, receptive.  I filled her with white feathers to indicate her tender insides and to capture the outside slight.  I covered her with paper from a wasp nest , a material also taken from nature, to announce her wildness and her natural beauty.  The very act of making this piece transformed me.  All subsequent pieces have been made with the intent to transform myself or others because of the empowerment I experience by becoming the open woman.

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