A new life.

Each day, each moment, is a new life. Last night in bed I heard this voice. “This is the beginning of a new life for you. You are a new person. Each day will be new fresh and surprising. Each moment will be a new way of being. You are a different man now and so each moment you will react and experience in a completely new way.” I was half asleep, I had travelled all day and was tired. I felt different. I could see that I was already experiencing everything in a new way. I understood in my half asleep hypnogogic state that I had be experiencing things differently for a while. My experiences of time and space altering, of happiness that were coming over me like gifts were my new person personality being alive on earth. It was magic and wonderful to see this and more to feel it powerfully in the moment . I realized that part of it was heightened sensuality, change in perception of time and space, discovery of happiness and extreme beauty and gratitude. ummm   I understood .. each of us has a new life in each moment , we are different when we see differently out of our new eyes…

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