Chapter Two: Leto Returns

Delos Greece Temple of Aphrodite excavation

Chapter 2

How you came to be my baby

It was the magical time of dawn. The wonderful moist air swirled in colors and music around her. Leto woke up in her soft bed of clouds and opened her eyes. She was in her sanctuary of course, her parents were not in with her in her sacred chamber. She heard the angelic singing of prayers, she saw the flying spirit women swirling around her and she felt their usual eternal love.

Leto was the daughter of one of the first ones to awaken from the dream. She knew this, she had been told the story as she fell asleep when the soft darkness arrived and also when she woke up as the first light came. She was told this story as the world became more dense, as more beings were created, as the non time increased it’s non pace. Her mother would sing her this story in non words, it was sung before music, before songs, in visions and she understood it’s meaning perfectly. The story always changed like the opening light and the closing darkness. It was the same and also different each time her mother sung it to her. Sometimes her father would chant it to her too, and then it was a different story all together or was different stories even coming from him. Later, she understood that there were many many  different lovely versions of this flying story, like beautiful flowers, they bloomed and dried with the first dew of love. Her mother would sing to her, “My beautiful daughter, my joy, my dream, my breath, I will sing to you in non words the song of how you came to be. You came to be from love of course” Then her mother Phoebe would laugh her musical laugh, the first notes ever sung, and little stars, animals, and plants, would be born from her laughter and her endless joy.  “This was in the non  beginning of time time of course my beautiful girl, so here we go together. Here is the song of you and how you came to be my baby.. First…there was empty chaos. Chaos is our parent, chaos begat us, we were all born from HER. And in your father’s stories, he says, the one chaos was surrounded by another ocean chaos, you know. We all come from this wonderful mix of all and none, of everything that would be mixed with everything that was not yet. If you close your eyes my little girl, you can go back, go back to chaos, for you are made from it. Inside each of your stars is chaos, the blessing of chaos is always there to fill you from everywhere. Then, my beautiful little girl, the story of our parents starts to fly all every non where because after chaos was movement. The first act of chaos was to shape shift into  the first of the goddesses, your grandmother Eurynome. And then, but of course you know what happened from it’s echo’s your body, Eurynome created love. Of course my star girl, what else could have happened? When you close your eyes, it is all you ever see, saw, and will see. When you see chaos turning into your great grandmother and then into love, you see yourself. And then. Chaos made the first two,   Gaia, your grandmother Mother Earth, and Uranus, your grand father  father  Sky (and your father always says, not to forget your grand uncle Tartarus, the wonderful father underworld).” At this point Leto would start to jump up and down with excitement and joy and wait in bated breath for the next wonderful part of the story of her life.  Then, her beautiful mother would sing and paint the visions and blow  them into her, “ Your grandmother beautiful Gaia and and your grandfather strong Uranus saw each other from far. From way in the up and further in the down he glimpsed her all around him, her beauty was overwhelming, her smell reached him even as far up and down as he was. Her vibrations shook him to his being and he understood he had to be as one with her. She felt him above her suddenly and her world changed in the same non moment. Mother earth was no longer the same, she felt his power, his energy his light, his covering protection, his generation. Of course my little one, Love had come around the the both of them at once and non once,  as he- she always does, and they fell deeply in love with each other and with the before and the after. They became one and then more than one and made sweet love with thunder and lightning and rain and flying ones and then… Gaia become full with me, my beauty and full with your father and with your uncles and aunts and together from love they made our whole family. When I grew up, your  father and I fell in love. He was my brother, I was his sister, and we were one and separate and came together as one again. From love, I became full and then gave birth to you and your brothers and sisters. So, my beautiful little girl, you are made from the perfect  emptiness chaos by the beyond power of perfect love, the impassioned lovemaking of grandmother earth and grandfather sky and then by me, your mother, the goddess of the radiant oracle and your father god of the sky from beyond perfect love.”

Leto knew this story in every magical part of her non body. She felt the emptiness of chaos, she tasted the love born next, she was moved by the passion and she herself even as a little girl yearned in each breath to love and join sky and earth for herself. But. She was only a little girl so she played with light, her voice was music, her body was growing more beautiful by the non moment and she lay on the soft earth, her mother’ s body and breathed in it all she felt what she thought was endless joy.

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