healing with bear marble

The bear I carved out of marble to bring bear spirit to protect me and prepare for my cancer surgery many years ago. When all is deconstructed, only love remains. I am learning that what I see as my world is not really there. I see what I am taught is there; I was taught a story. The table is wood and hard, or….only energy, electrons and space.  Each story or label severely limits my fullness of the experience. The full moon eclipse the other night held many stories for many people. Some people knew it was a powerful omen of spiritual change, for others, it was the mathematically perfect alignment of sun earth and moon. In indigenous reality, where all is alive and animal spirits roam the milky way, it is bear eating the moon. (this is the closest to the truth and my favorite- because art, symbols and mythology take away all the cause and effect stories). When I  took away all the stories and just looked up at the moon.. first I saw the bear eating it and then.. it all came apart and opened up. Each day, I take away all the judgments, the stories, and be. When I do this, it all deconstructs and only love remains. It is magic. It is like seeing out of the eyes of the artist where all is new and amazing. I look at a person, I take away the judgments and stories= they are beautiful, old, young, man, woman, black, white, etc. all. Then… I look into their eyes and I take away the eyes, and I look into their soul and I take away soul and then. ..it opens..  I see the expanding light come, I feel the soft winds of space, time disappears, the vortexes of sacred energy dance around me… and what is left is pure love, kind of like a syrup. Ummm.

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