It is all alive and speaks to us and loves us

starangeLast night, watching the Perseid Meteor Shower the sky was alive. It was moving like energy, like life. this movement helped me feel more deeply that the sky was alive and moving like healing energy in the body. For days now I have been touching.. and feeling energy. It started with Garfield our cat. I touched his head and heard his spirit. It shook me deeply. Then, the next day I touched a rock at the beach and felt it’s spirit and later touched a small tree growing next to our terrace and felt it. feel is not the right word, there is really no word for it. I touch and am one and receive communication beyond understanding. A powerful lesson I have learned by Native American ceremony is that everything is alive and everything has spirit and knowledge. This is different from the usual view of what is alive and sentient. My touching and being one reminded me of what my teacher Turtle Hawk has said, “The stone people (rocks) are the most intelligent, the plants, next, the animals next and us two leggeds the least. Everything that is alive has voice and speaks to us with knowledge and teaching. Everything can speak and send healing energy. When I felt the life of the sky, the stars, I put my hand up to touch heaven and it spoke to me of love, of creation, far beyond any words. And. I understood, that I was seeing the stars, shooting stars last night with the meteor shower, because it was night, but there were there all the time, and the stone people, the plants kingdom, the animal brothers and sisters and our two legged family is there all the time too showering us with love and knowledge. Thank you Ancestors, spirit guides, spirit animals, teachers, revered sacred figures, lovers, Great Spirit and Mother Earth, grandmothers and grandfathers of the 4 directions for this teaching.

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