Taking care of details in the practical life to take care of people


My beautiful wife is my teacher of living a practical life. I am not naturally practical, (to say the least) Often, if she wants to do something, she does the opposite of what I would do and it is practical and works. I live in visionary space, see spirits and hear voices, so it’s a challenge and important teaching for me. This morning I left the lentils on the electric burner when we went to the beach. I turned the burner off, but in Europe the burners cool slowly so the lentils still cooked for a while. On way to the beach my wife asked if I turned off the lentils and moved them off the burner, and was not happy when said I left them on. She said, “You need to take care of the details of practical life. If you want to take care of people fully, you need to see what they need, and help them with practical concerns. Sometimes you take care of people who are very ill and don’t take care of people who are with you and well. In the life you need to learn to take care of all the details that need care to be full. Look around you, what needs to be done, how can you help someone, what can you do now to take care of someone’s most simple needs.” I learned this once before when I worked with people near the end of life. A teacher told me, “Look at them closly in physical space. Do they need ice cubes to wet their mouth, are they too cold or are they too warm. When you taking care of spirit space, you also need to take care of the most practical things to be fully present. “ Thank you my beautiful wife for todays lesson, I will I will learn it.

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