The sound inside love

The sound inside love, I heard a buzzing. It increased and increased in volume, it got closer.. so I entered it and moved within it, sniffing and moving my head back and forth against it’s soft walls. I tried to identify this music and I realized it was like the sound of  giant bees or… huge humming birds or…. cats purring…. all mixed into one. The sound, this sacred music, became louder and louder and in a flash, I realized it was the sound of the Melissae, the bee priestesses of ancient Greece, the bee women, the wild maenads, calling their lovers to them. These bee women flew as giant feathered creatures, part bee, part woman, part bird, there were vibrating bee woman transformations, making this very sound, the buzzing purring, so loud that no one could resist it.  Men came from everywhere and followed them to caves to make love. These creatures worshipped Dionysus, (god of  religious trance, wine, winter dreaming) and called him to them to energize their ceremonies all, they flew over the Greek landscape like the modern spirits of drugs, sex, and rock and roll, merged with the most sacred spiritual transformation and worship… to enter the divine feminine as one.  Bee goddess plaque 7th century B.C,  Bee Jewelry, Crete 4000 years old, and my marble carving of it.

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