We are all sacred babies of the Creator/ Mother Earth

We are all sacred babies of the Creator/ Mother Earth, of the goddess  and god making love. At the coffee on Sunday, all the Greek people were dressed up, coming from church to have ice cream and sweets. In the road in front of them, all the pilgrims were coming from the ferry to walk (or crawl on hands and knees)  up to the Virgin Mary miracle church and pray for healing.  In the intense Greek light, all of this vibrated together.. and it came apart again. When it comes apart for me, it turns into a dancing visual image. With colors spinning and people getting larger and smaller,  I saw that each person was like a tentacle of a sea anemone moving in the warm waters of love. I could see that they all come from the big sea anemone under them, their Mother Earth’s body, and were all still connected to her body below.  Umm.. here we go again, I was having another vision of Creator/Mother Earth, goddess and god making love and giving birth to the total oneness of us all. It was soo beautiful, seeing each person moving in slow motion, each beautiful beyond wonder, each out of time, each connected to the bottom of HER body, at their base. Umm.. when it dissolves and comes apart.. it is all god and goddess making love, giving birth to all forms, you know…and as the gentle swaying of each lover,

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