You are Living in a miracle.


Tinos is about miracles. On this windy sunny island there is wild energy going up and down, buzzing with miracles Many of our friends who have houses here on the Greek Island are here because a miracle happened to them. At a dinner, a friend tells us her story. “My mother came here after I was born. The Doctor told her I had an incurable congenital heart disease and would die soon. So, she came to Tinos to pray to the Virgin Mary at the Panaya church. I lived, look at me! I have children. She promised the Virgin Mary that if I lived, she would come back every year to thank her. One year, on her trip, she bought a house, and then the family could come. Now I bring my children.” That story is one of many many stories of our friends miracle healings here on this windy place. The modern miracles began because a nun had a vision of the Virgin Mary in 1823 who told her an icon with the Mother and Baby’s picture would be found. When it was found the icon made miracles immediately and they built a church over it. from the moment it was found… it made miracles, healed people, saved ships in storms, etc. The island of Delos, the most sacred place in ancient Greece, is right across from our island Tinos. In ancient times, 1500 B.C Delos was the island of miracles. It was the most important pilgrimage site in the Mediterranean for healing. Now, Tinos is the place of pilgrimage for a healing miracle. That is why I am here. I believe in miracles, my life is a miracle, each breath a miracle. I live in a miracle so am happy on the island of miracles! Thank you Ancestors, spirit guides, spirit animals, teachers, revered sacred figures, lovers, Great Spirit and Mother Earth, grandmothers and grandfathers of the 4 directions for the miracles you make every moment.

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